The life and times of Jake

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I think that the people of this planet are nothing but egotistical lunatics who only want whats best for themselves meaning: screw everyone else. Women are the ones that drive the men to be pigs because no matter what you do for them, they will always, always stab you in the back sooner or later. Men have this sense of being able to do no wrong as long as he buys her stuff and caters to her physical wants (oops sorry, I meant needs) this is not so for the mental and emotional fragility of a girl can never be determined because they can hide things so well, whether its their nature I'm not sure, but when you least expect it they will blow the lid and dump you. you know why? because they've had problems for probably a very long time but keep it from you for what reasons I dont know but they do. men on the other hand are almost always the opposite. Telling you how it is and letting you know exactly how they feel at any given moment no matter how inopportune the timing.this creates a delema because the girl never wants to hurt the guys feelings but she also hold the pain inside and wont let it go.if only women would have the common sense to tell it how it is, things would be alot smoother and many, many break ups would be consoled. but that my friends will never happen because nature does not change. but there is hope because people CAN change. they are usually ust to prideful,and too prideful to admit their pride. This has been the ravings of a person that has changed and it still didnt save the relationship. so really all I have just said failed for me maybe because I didn't do what needed to, or more likely, she could not be trusted. Faithfullness is a rarity in todays relationships, if you are involved with someone, be faithful and wholehearted to them, they deserve much more than that, but its a start.


Blogger La Profesora said...

quite the insite. and sometimes people tell you things are going to hurt and you (we) somehow don't believe it could happen to us. May the Lord heal you and help you to move on.
Pastor said Sunday - God has a script for your life . . .

12/9/06 6:16 PM  
Blogger La Profesora said...

insight (oops!)

12/9/06 6:16 PM  
Blogger Sage said...

mail me dude...

13/9/06 6:42 PM  
Blogger Julie Alexander said...

Hey, Jake. I know it may not seem so at the moment, but not every girl is as you described. When the timing, and the girl, are right, what you described will NOT come to pass. Don't jade yourself against the opposite sex because of this painful experience. Hope that doesn't sound cold. Better to know now that several years down the road. As someone who married and lost their first love at a very young age, there are many difficulties in becoming so attached, so young in life. Take some time to find out who you are and what the Lord has for you apart from that relationship. Once the Lord sends you in the right direction, look around and see who is travelling in the same direction! The Lord will have just the right someone walking down that path next to you....if you wait on him. Sorry for your pain.

17/9/06 6:35 PM  
Blogger Sage said...

hey jake! email me yo numba foo!!!

17/9/06 6:58 PM  
Blogger jAkE said...

I was a over-reacting when I wrote this, I know that all girls are not that way. So I may have been exagurating(however you spell it) some (alot) when I wrote this post. I was very frustrated and I probably will be desturbed for some time to come, but I know where you're coming from, and I've told myself the same thing. It's just to soon to grasp yet. Thanks for the comment.

18/9/06 2:54 PM  
Blogger jAkE said...

and something else...somehow 21 feels alot older than it is, when so much time has been vainly spent. But maybe not entirely vain.

18/9/06 2:56 PM  
Blogger Julie Alexander said...

No...definitely not vainly. As the old cliche goes..."Live and learn."

ALL things work together for good to them that love the Lord to them that are the called according to his purpose. (Something like the top of my head...which can be dangerous as I demonstrated in Mrs. L's 7 days of creation quiz...but it I have messed it up, not the first time I have made a fool of myself on a blog!)

23/9/06 6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...... If she told you how she felt you would only say ..."that's sooo dumb" and laugh it off for being girlish nonsince. She can't confide in you because you (as a guy) won't take it searieasuly enough.. at least at first... and THAT pain is even worse then holding it all inside.

10/10/06 12:13 PM  
Blogger Sage said...

I think that you shouldn't label ALL guys to be emotionally retarded, because take me for ex... I can always pick-up on what rw's feeling. So please don't start with the labeling... just DON'T

18/10/06 3:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh,,, I don't lable people,, but if the shoe fitts,,, wear it. Everyone is a differant person. Just cuz one guy doesn't pick up on something - that doesn't meen another won't... same with a girl. Just cuz one might "stab you in the back" that doesn't meen EVERY girl will. The road goes both ways.

18/10/06 12:44 PM  
Blogger jAkE said...

anonymous, I kinda get how you think about that because I know a lot of guys that are that way. I have personally helped to make guys more in-tuned to the feelings of a girl they liked, or were curently in a relationship with. And I also know that taking advice from your peers is usually not a good idea. But for most of them, if delivered right, it worked. Not because I "got in touch with my feminine side" but because I know how it feels to have feelings that you dont want to show through or talk about. I know that sometimes it's the hardest to tell the most important person to you your worst confessions, or most bottled feelings. I don't claim to uderstand girls(maybe a little more than most), and I don't claim to be Hitch, I just know that sometimes, you don't have to have a reason to cry, or maybe a note, or just a look for half a second that makes day. I wouldn't say it was stupid, and I wouldn't think it was "girlish nonsense". thats just what kept her from telling me. And I'm ashamed to say that. I'm ashamed that she couldn't tell me excactly the way she felt. I had my chance, and now I'm reaping the consequenses. I was once atuned to every feeling, everything that was "not right". But I think over time she felt that (not without cause) I would think it was dumb. And for that I will die every hour of every day at least for a very long time. The fault is mine. and I will,and am, paying dearly for it.

P.S. To the girls that do read this, I apoligize for creating a warped, spur of the moment,emotion riddled post. It was not really the way I view women, it just was at the time. Please don't think less of me for it.

26/10/06 9:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the lesson in that comment is by far the strongest lesson to be learned in your entire blog. For both sexes. Thank you.

If she needed to.... could she call you? Would you answer? You don't have to answer that if it's to acward. I know this is a public posting.

2/11/06 9:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that she wishes you would call her just once. She worries about you and feels (for reasons only you can understnad) she can't call to check on you. She just wants to know you're doing well.
She doesn't expect to ever hear from you again, and she won't try to contact you for fear of invaiding your privocy (of bringing pain to you). So, I guess it would be up to you... Just thought you should know.

2/11/06 9:15 AM  
Blogger jAkE said...

You're right, it would bring alot of pain. mostly because the one time I did text her, and she replied, she had to mention her new squeese and the fact that she was going to his no, I'm not gonna call becasue I'm afraid she would do the same thing, just to remind me not to try and get her back. Thats the way it is. And if she wants to know, I'm a workaholic, I've changed my major because I haven't and probably won't pick up a pencil to draw another picture because I have no desire. I've tried several times, but I just don't have the drive for it anymore. My muse is lost, and it can't really be helped. I'm a Hardware Salesman at Sears right now, and I like it because people like to buy stuff from me :P I work for my uncle when I'm home helping build the foundation for a new shop he's building. I'm in the best shape of my life, and I won't say whether I am happy or not. At this point it's kinda irrelivant because I'm alive. I'm existing. Thats good enough for now. If she wants to know, there it is. And yea, this is a public blog. Anyone can say anything they want....with anonimity.


5/11/06 6:34 PM  
Blogger jAkE said...

and yes...if she "needed" to, she could call me. And yes I would answer. I told her when I talked to her two months ago that she could, and I still mean it. Of course I want to know that she's ok, that she's not dying of a disease or something. But if it's her perogative to have nothing to do with me, so be it.

5/11/06 6:39 PM  

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