The life and times of Jake

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


lately I've been pondering the meaning of the word "friend" and who meets these requirements. the technical definition of the word is:
1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement.

Of these dictionary terms I find the first and third to be true in the sense that a Friend, a real friend, is someone whom you know, and they know you. The ones that can tell you how their day has been, whether good or bad, without the fear of appraisal(or judgment) by you of their mental wellbeing. :) it's not the fact that they "know you" as an acquantance, but the factor of trust as in the first definition. This short discription does not do justice to what it actually means.
My definition: someone in which you can confide in, depend on, and trust with your life. But most importantly, that you have these qualities in yourself AS someones "friend". If you wonder why you have no friends that match this description on some, if not all, of these points, the reason is probably that YOU aren't one. I find it harder and harder to find someone that won't talk about others when they aren't around for pure conversation sake. It's like all they can think about is others faults, as if they themselves have none. Oh, yes, I'm talking about me too. I've often found myself biting my tongue because I was saying things about others I wouldn't want said about me. So this is what I think should be done: 1. don't talk about someone else unless its for they're benefit. 2. Pay attention to what you are saying about someone else. you might not want it said about you. 3. Dont GOSSIP!!! If you heard something "from the grape vine" don't spread it around. If you want to know, work up the nerve to ask the person about it. They will appreciate it. believe me. 4. Most of all. If someone needs something, do it. Help them cause you would want the same. I guess what I'm trying to say is... be the kind of friend that you would want to have. It seems to be working for me. Thanks for listening to my ramblings. This is The jAkE. signing off.